Scarlet Moon® Artists serves the indie game community with two distinct services: premium music and vocals from our world-famous talent from Japan, usually coming as a one-off guest contribution, or budget audio (music, sound design, and voice over) from our indie talent to meet all budget needs. We've been pairing creative teams with our world-class talent since 2014, providing solutions to meet all style requests and budgets.

How We Work

Hitoshi Sakimoto

Composer / Arranger
Final Fantasy XII / Gradius V / Valkyria Chronicles

Hiroki Kikuta

Composer / Arranger
Indivisible / Secret of Mana / Soul Calibur V

Shinji Hosoe

Composer / Arranger
Mega Man Network Transmission / Ridge Racer / Zero Escape

Yuko Komiyama

Composer / Arranger
Monster Hunter series / Mega Man X series

Norihiko Hibino

Composer / Arranger / Saxophonist
Bayonetta series / Game Music Lullabies series / Metal Gear Solid series

Soyo Oka

Composer / Arranger
Super Mario Kart / Pilotwings / Sim City

Emi Evans

Vocalist / Lyricist / Voice Over
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon / Dark Souls / NieR series

Nami Nakagawa

Vocalist / Lyricist / Composer / Voice Over
Demon Slayer / Harvestella / NieR series

Goomin Nam

Composer / Arranger / Performer [piano]
Bar Oasis / DJMAX / Ragnarok Online

Osamu Kubota

Composer / Arranger / Orchestrator / Conductor
Beatmania / The Epic of Zektbach / Granado Espada

Dale North

Composer / Arranger / Vocalist / S. Designer / Performer [piano]
Dreamscaper / RWBY: Arrowfell / Wizard of Legend

Ken "coda" Snyder

Composer / Arranger / Sound Designer
Read Only Memories: Neurodiver / Omega Strike / VIDEOBALL

Peter Reid Jones

Composer / Arranger / Performer (Trumpet)
Evil Tonight / Lawmage Academy / RWBY

In Memoriam

Justin Lassen

Composer / Sound Designer / Implementation